Student Development Programme
Let's Empower And Prepare Scheme (L.E.A.P.S.)
- Shadowing Scheme for Secondary Students (SSeedS) – A Service Project
- ICAC Ambassador Programme
- Fitness Training Workshops (FTW)
- The Providence Foundation Outward Bound (UG) Programme
Shadowing Scheme for Secondary Students (SSeedS)

What is SSeedS?
Co-organised with Caritas St. Joseph Secondary School (CSJSS), the Student Experience and Development Section, Office of Student Affairs, organises a service project called “Shadowing Scheme for Secondary Students (SSeedS)”. SSeedS aims to:
- make friends;
- provide an opportunity for CUHK students to serve the community as peer mentors;
- introduce concepts of everyday leadership;
- develop a service-mind set;
- enhance students’ generic competencies of innovative problem solving, communication and teamwork through service learning; and
- understand yourself, your team and help them ourishing.
SSeedS also creates a platform for members to practice how to be an everyday leader. Both SSeedS members (the peer mentors) and the secondary students can benefit through life on life interaction.
Who are the service receivers?
Around 30-35 form 4 / 5 students nominated by Caritas St. Joseph Secondary School (CSJSS)
What are the voluntary services?
4 CUHK Peer mentors and 7-8 CSJSS Peer mentees:
- 14/1/2024 (Sunday) – Meet-and-greet session plus adventure day camp
- 17/2/2024 (Saturday) – 2nd mass activity
- Organising 2 group activities with financial subsidy (e.g. $400 per mentor), aiming at
(a) flourishing your mentees on how to arrange an activity for groupmates under a limited budget
(b) building rapport among your groupmates
CUHK mentors:
Organising a camp for 20-25 form 6 students called “A Taste of CUHKers”.
For more information:
Fitness Training Workshops
- Enhance students’ awareness to personal physical and mental health
- Improve students’ physical fitness
ICAC Ambassador Programme

Aims of the Programme
The ICAC Ambassador Programme is co-orgranised by the Independent Commission Against Corruption and CUHK. It aims at equipping young people in Hong Kong with integrity and engaging them in probity promotion.
It includes:
- Online leadership training
- On-Campus/Online Integrity Promotion Activities
- i-League Annual Gathering
Eligibility and Application Procedures
All full-time undergraduate students fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English are welcome to apply.
Application procedures
Please complete the online enrolment form ( by 5:30pm on 9 October 2023 (Monday).
Enquiry / Social Media
Telephone / WhatsApp: 3943 8652 (Ms. Lau) / 3943 9944 (Ms. Cheung)
Social Media of ICAC Ambassador
The Providence Foundation Outward Bound (UG) Programme
The Providence Foundation donates scholarships, bursaries as well as outward bound awards to tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. The Foundation sponsors some CUHK students to participate in a 7-day Outward Bound Training in Outward Bound Hong Kong each year. The programme aims at developing and improving participants’ decision making, communication, leadership, problem solving and team-building skills.