Empower U Campaigns – Promoting the Seven-Well Concept to Students

The Learning Enhancement Officers (LEOs) from the Office of Student Affairs organized two large-scale campaigns. The two campaigns are Empower U: Be the “CEO” of Self and Empower U: Pre-exam Fun Fest. These campaigns aimed to promote the seven-well concept, educate students about the relationship between wellness and learning, and foster a positive learning environment. The campaigns took place from 26 February 2024 to 4 March 2024 and 8 April 2024 to 12 April 2024, respectively.  Each campaign included exhibitions, stress reduction workshops, and game booths attracting approximately 2,200 participants.

One highlight of the campaigns was the booth games. These games provided students with an opportunity to relax, have fun, and temporarily relieve stress before their exams. They also served as a reminder of the importance of “Play Well” in balancing their well-being.  Additionally, while playing these games, students had the chance to reflect on their study goals and habits.

The campaigns featured two talks and three workshops that promoted the concepts of “Work Well”, “Eat Well”, “Exercise Well”, “Sleep Well”, “Mind Well” and “Play Well”.  The workshops, which included yoga, circle painting, and aromatherapy, provided students with stress reduction, improved focus and concentration, and enhanced well-being. Additionally, the talk titled “Eating Strategies for Exams”, led by Ms. Peggy Yip (Lecturer of Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme, CUHK & Registered Dietitian Nutritionist), introduced students to campus foods that can energize their exam preparation. 

Another engaging activity was “The Silent Exchange: Express, Connect, Heal,” where students were invited to share their feelings, thoughts, or respond to others’ messages. Over 230 messages were collected, promoting a sense of “Mind Well” and “Love Well” among the students and creating a supportive campus atmosphere.

Feedback on the campaigns was overwhelmingly positive. In the second week of the campaign, all students who provided feedback expressed their enjoyment of the activities. One student stated, “It’s very fun and refreshing. Please continue organizing these activities”.  During the campaign, students collected a full set of the seven-well cards as takeaways and could use them to redeem a practical gift.