Bringing Student Voices to the University Committees

Open recruitment for student representatives of University Committees 2024/25 has been completed. 40 student representatives will serve as a bridge between the student community and the University bringing student opinions and ideas to the 25 University Committees.

In March, Office of Student Affairs (OSA) arranged two lunch gathering sessions which brought these student representatives together. In these sessions, Ms. Elaine Tam, Director, Office of Student Affairs, introduced the University’s management structure and shared her experiences as a member in various committee meetings. The interactive gathering allowed student representatives to exchange their opinions, and to gain a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities within the University Committees.

The University is grateful for the passion and commitment of the student representatives. Their willingness to contribute their time and effort in the committee work is invaluable. OSA remains committed to strengthening student engagement and fostering a collaborative environment where the voices of students are heard and valued.