University Committees with Student Representatives
Different Committees in the Chinese University of Hong Kong involve student representatives so that they can express students’ opinions in various issues.
List of Committees with Student Senators
Terms of Reference and Composition:
Senate Staff-Student Consultative Committee
Senate Committee on Student Discipline
Terms of Reference:
- With full authority delegated from the Senate, to handle all matters pertaining to the discipline of undergraduate and postgraduate students including appeals;
- The main committee will deal with policy issues and appeal cases, while a Panel of Judges will be formed under the main committee for each disciplinary case to conduct investigation and hearings and to decide on the penalties as deemed appropriate. Cases referred by the Faculties, Colleges, Graduate School and other Centres/Offices will also be handled by the Panels of Judges.
- Chairman appointed by Vice-Chancellor/President
- A teaching staff from each College appointed by its Assembly of Fellows
- A teaching staff from each Faculty appointed by the Faculty Board
- A teaching staff appointed by the Graduate Council
- University Dean of Students
- Registrar and Secretary
- President of the Chinese University Students Union
- Elected Student members of the Senate
Senate Committee on Language Enhancement
Terms of Reference:
- To keep under review all aspects of bilingual education at the University;
- To keep under review the implementation of the University’s policy on bilingual education, and to facilitate the promotion of the policy;
- To keep under review all language enhancement programmes in Chinese (Putonghua, Cantonese and written Chinese) and English, including the approval of new programmes and the quality and outcomes of these programmes;
- To promote all language enhancement efforts at the University, with reference to the recommendations of the Committee on Bilingualism.
- Chairman: To be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
- Members:
– Dean of each Faculty, or an Associate Dean (Education) as his/her representative
– Heads of all the language enhancement units (Department of Chinese Language and Literature / English Language Teaching Unit / Yale–China Chinese Language Centre)
– Dean of the Faculty of Arts
– Registrar
– Other members as appointed by the Vice-Chancellor (Up to five other teachers, including some with expertise in applied linguistics and/or languages)
– One representative of the College language enhancement committees
– Two student representatives (To be elected among the serving Student Senators)
– Secretary (To be nominated by the Registrar)
Senate Committee on General Education
Terms of Reference and Composition:
(Please click here for detail)
*Student observers are invited through the Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Colleges’ Student Unions
Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning
Terms of Reference and Composition:
List of Committees with Student Representatives
Career Development Board
Terms of Reference:
- To advise the University on all matters related to graduate employment.
- To maintain awareness of the University in respect of community needs.
- To promote employers’ interest in and understanding of graduates of the University.
- To advise the Career Planning and Development Centre on the induction of graduating students into employment and on ways and means for improving the employment opportunities of graduates of the University.
- Chairman (To be invited by the Vice-Chancellor)
- Members
– A representative from the Civil Service Bureau of the Government Secretariat
– Two school principals invited by the Vice-Chancellor
– Not more than 15 persons invited by the Vice-Chancellor from the business, industrial and professional community
– One teacher from each Faculty of the University, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
– President of the Federation of Alumni Associations, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (ex-officio)
– The University Dean of Students (ex-officio)
– The Director of Student Affairs (ex-officio)
– Two representatives from the Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
– Chairman of the Convocation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (ex-officio)
- Secretary (To be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor)
Terms of Office:
- The terms of office of all members other than the ex-officio members shall be two years, dating from August the first in the year of appointment.
- Members are eligible for re-appointment.
- The Board shall meet at least once each year.
- The quorum shall be six members.
- The Vice-Chancellor or the Chairman may invite any person to attend a meeting of the Board.
Sub-Committee on Bursaries and Loans
Terms of Reference:
- To monitor the allocation of bursaries and loans in the University.
- To handle cases of appeal and hardship falling outside the JCSF scheme; to recommend awards appropriate to such cases.
- To report its proceedings annually to the Senate Committee on University Scholarships.
- Chairman (Chairman of the Senate Committee on University Scholarships or his representative )
- Members
– College Deans of Students or their representatives
– Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
– A student representative - Secretary (Appointed by Director of Admissions and Financial Aid)
Staff-Student Centres Management Committee
Terms of Reference:
- To formulate management policies for staff-student centres under its jurisdiction in Benjamin Franklin Centre, John Fulton Centre, Li Wai Chun Building and Pommerenke Student Centre and the Multi-purpose Hall at Jockey Club Postgraduate Halls 2 & 3.
- To sub-allocate space to various units and bodies within the staff-student centres in accordance with relevant University regulations.
- To devise regulations and administrative measures regarding the management of the staff-student centres.
- To monitor the provision of amenities and facilities in the staff-student centres, and to make recommendations for improvement to the University from time to time.
- To monitor and periodically review various matters pertaining to the management of the staff-student centres.
- To monitor the operation and services of the university bookstore and cafeteria in the Yasumoto International Academic Park, and the snack bar in Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building.
- To report to the Administrative Affairs Committee.
- Chairman University Dean of Students
- Members
– Bursar and Director of Finance or his/her representative
– Dean of the Graduate School or his/her representative
– Director of Student Affairs or his/her representative
– Director of Estates Management or his/her representative
– Director of Physical Education Unit or his/her representative
– Chairperson of the Canteens Management Sub-Committee
– Chairperson of the Services Units Management Sub-Committee
– Chairperson of the Bookstore Management Sub-Committee
– Chairperson of the Pommerenke Student Centre Management Sub-Committee
– One representative of the Chinese University Teachers’ Association
– One representative of the Chinese University Staff Association
– President of the Chinese University Student Union or his/her representative
– Three student representatives nominated by the Chinese University Student Union
– Two representatives of full-time postgraduate students nominated by the Director of Student Affairs
- Secretary (To be appointed by the Director of Office of Student Affairs)
- Sub-committees
– Canteens Management Sub-Committee
– Services Units Management Sub-Committee
– Bookstore Management Sub-Committee
– Pommerenke Student Centre Management Sub-Committee
Canteens Management Sub-Committee
Terms of Reference:
- To oversee the operation and services of the canteens, restaurants, fast food shops and cafeteria which are housed in the staff-student centres, the cafeteria in the Yasumoto International Academic Park and the snack bar in Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building.
- To present reports to Staff Student Centres Management Committee on a regular basis and to undertake such duties/functions on matters relating to the respective Centres as may from time to time be assigned by the Committee.
- Chairperson (Bursar and Director of Finance or his/her representative)
- Members
– One representative of the Estates Management Office
– One representative of the University Medical Service Office
– One representative of the Office of Student Affairs
– One representative of the Chinese University Teachers’ Association
– One representative of the Chinese University Staff Association
– Three student representatives nominated by the Chinese University Student Union
– One representative of full-time postgraduate students nominated by the Director of Student Affairs
- Secretary (To be appointed by the Chairperson of the Canteens Management Sub-Committee)
Services Units Management Sub-Committee
Terms of Reference:
- To monitor the tender arrangements of and services provided by the commercial units (except canteens and banks) which are housed within the staff-student centres.
- To present reports to Staff Student Centres Management Committee on a regular basis and to undertake such duties/functions on matters relating to the respective Centres as may from time to time be assigned by the Committee.
- Chairperson (To be appointed by the Chairperson of the Staff-Student Centres Management Committee)
- Members
– One representative of the Finance Office
– One representative of the Estates Management Office
– One representative of the Office of Student Affairs
– One representative of the Chinese University Teachers’ Association
– One representative of the Chinese University Staff Association
– Three student representatives nominated by the Chinese University Student Union
– One representative of full-time postgraduate students nominated by the Director of Student Affairs
- Secretary (To be appointed by the Director of Student Affairs)
Bookstore Management Sub-Committee
Terms of Reference:
- To monitor the services provided by the university bookstore in the Yasumoto International Academic Park and the related tender arrangements, to oversee the management of the multi-purpose room in the adjacent area and to utilize it for the promotion of reading culture and academic activities. Where appropriate, the Sub-Committee chairman may invite interested alumni and/or other suitable person(s) to participate in the meetings and activities of the Sub-Committee.
- To present reports to Staff Student Centres Management Committee on a regular basis and to undertake such duties/functions on matters relating to the respective Centres as may from time to time be assigned by the Committee.
- Chairman (To be appointed by the Chairman of the Staff-Student Centres Management Committee)
- Members
– One representative of the Office of Student Affairs
– One representative of the Office of University General Education
– One representative of the Chinese University Teachers’ Association
– One representative of the Chinese University Staff Association
– One teacher/staff representative appointed by the Chairman of the Bookstore Management Sub-Committee
– Three student representatives nominated by the Chinese University Student Union
– One representative of full-time postgraduate students nominated by the Director of Student Affairs
- Secretary (To be appointed by Bursar)
Pommerenke Student Centre Management Sub-Committee
Terms of Reference:
- To formulate management policies for areas under its jurisdiction in the Pommerenke Student Centre; and to monitor the provision of amenities and facilities for staff and students in such areas under its jurisdiction.
- To present reports to Staff Student Centres Management Committee on a regular basis and to undertake such duties/functions on matters relating to the respective Centres as may from time to time be assigned by the Committee.
- Chairperson (To be appointed by the Chairperson of the Staff-Student Centres Management Committee)
- Members
– One representative of the Bursary
– One representative of the Estates Management Office
– One representative of the Physical Education Unit
– One representative of the Office of Student Affairs
– Dean of Students of Chung Chi College or his/her representative
– Three student representatives nominated by the Chinese University Student Union
– One student representative nominated by the Chung Chi College Student Union
– One representative of the postgraduate students nominated by the Director of Student Affairs
- Secretary (To be appointed by the Director of Student Affairs)
Joint Committee on New Student Orientation
Terms of Reference:
To plan and coordinate the student-led orientation activities of the Faculty/ Department/ College.
To decide the fee of the student-led orientation activities.
To coordinate with student hostel management units on the accommodation arrangements for the Faculty/ Department/ College orientation activities.
To review the Faculty/ Department/ College orientation plans and make recommendations as appropriate.
To submit an annual report to the Vice-Chancellor and President.
CUHK Federation of Alumni Association Student Activities Fund
Terms of Reference:
CUHK Federation of Alumni Association established the Student Activities Fundraising Committee in the early 1990s. This was to assist student societies at CUHK in promoting various student activities. The interest generated by the fund is used to subside activities organized by the CUHK Student Union, college student unions, and other student societies. It also covers training expenses for student leaders, individual students at international conferences and competitions, and other projects approved by the committee.
University Medical Service Committee
Terms of Reference:
Whereas the Director of the University Medical Service shall have the day-to-day managerial responsibilities for the efficient and effective running of the University Medical Service Office (UMSO) and he shall report administratively to a Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the University Medical Service Committee is responsible for recommending to the University on the planning, development, and any policy matter of the UMSO.
The Committee may request and shall receive proposals and reports to be submitted by the Director of the University Medical Service on the following matters and to make recommendation thereon:
(a) the development of programmes to meet specific needs;
(b) the operation and the service-delivery arrangements of the UMSO;
(c) the efficient deployment of financial resources allocated to the UMSO;
(d) the efficient deployment of human resources assigned to the UMSO; and
(e) any complaints filed against the UMSO
- Chairperson (Professor Nick Rawlins, Pro-Vice-Chancellor)
- Members
– Director of Finance or representative (ex officio)
– University Dean of Students (ex officio)
– Three senior staff members of the Faculty of Medicine
– Four staff representatives appointed by AAPC among persons nominated by CUTA/CUSA and other staff associations
– Four staff members of the University Mdeical Service Office
– Four student representatives
- Secretary (To be appointed by Director of University Medical Service)
Committee on Health Promotion and Protection
Terms of Reference:
- In regard to the areas of hygiene, prevention of disease on campus and promotion of health in general;
- To make recommendations to Administrative and Planning Committee (AAPC) on the formulation and revision of policies, strategies and action plans;
- To coordinate the efforts of the various units within the University and resources available to the University to achieve the aforesaid goals/targets;
- To solicit support and develop resources from outside the University through inter-institutional/inter-programme collaborations and grants to help the University achieve the aforesaid goals/targets;
- To monitor the progress of work and evaluate the effective implementation of the aforesaid policies, strategies and action plans on a continuing basis; and
- To undertake any other duties as may be prescribed by AAPC.
Consultative Committee on Facility Charges
Terms of Reference:
To review proposals for introducing or revising fees and charges payable by staff members or students for use of University facilities as proposed through the Bursar’s Office and set out from time to time in a schedule, and to submit the views of staff members and/or students thereon to the AAPC.
- Chairperson (To be appointed by Vice-Chancellor)
- Members
– Secretary of the University or representative
– Director of Finance (ex officio)
– Director of Student Affairs (ex officio)
– Two representatives of CUTA
– Two representatives of CUSA
– Two representatives nominated from the Selection Panel on University Committees
– One representative of Postgraduate student to be nominated by the Director of Student Affairs
- Secretary (A Finance Manager nominated by Director of Finance)
Arts Steering Committee
Terms of Reference:
- To promote and coordinate campus-wide arts activities.
- To advise the operators of the University’s arts venues on issues relating to the promotion and coordination of arts activities on campus.
- To provide educational opportunities in the arts for the University’s students in relation to their aesthetic development.
- To make recommendations on the development and accessibility of arts events and services within the University for the general public, particularly local secondary schools.
- To perform any other relevant duties assigned by the Vice-Chancellor.
- Chairman (Prof. Susanna S.Y. Mak, Department of Music)
- Members
– Prof. Frank Joseph E. Vigneron, Chairman, Department of Fine Arts
– Prof. Frederick C.K. Lau, Chairman, Department of Music
– Prof. Josh C.C. Yiu, Director, Art Museum
– Prof. Thomas H.T. Lee, Director, Office of University General Education
– Ms. Salome Y.P. Lam, Bursar
– Mr. Samuel F.F. Hung, Acting Director, Office of Student Affairs - Co-opted
– Two student representatives, University Student Union
- Member & Secretary (Ms. Ribble S.M. Chung, Arts Administrator )
Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Terms of Reference:
To review statistics on discrimination and complaint procedures without reference to any individual case.
To advise on measures to be undertaken in conducting publicity relating to discrimination within the campus.
To advise and/or oversee education matters relating to discrimination within the campus.
To review and develop policy(ies) and procedures for handling discrimination complaints, as appropriate.
- Chairperson (To be appointed by Vice-Chancellor)
- Members
– Secretary of the University or the Secretary’s representative
– One representative from CUHK Teachers’ Association (CUTA)
– One representative from CUHK Staff Association (CUSA)
– One representative from CUHK Employees General Union (CUEGU)
– University Dean of Students or the Dean’s representative
– Convener of the Panel Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
– Convener of the Task Force on Education and Training
– Five faculty members or staff members of different genders who have sensitivity to discrimination and sexual harassment matters
– Director of the Diversity and Inclusion Office (ex officio)
– A student representative nominated by the Selection Panel of University Committees
- Secretary (Secretary of the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment)
Panel Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Terms of Reference:
- To inform individuals of available options which include but are not limited to conciliation and complaint investigation by the University, and their right to
lodge complaints with Equal Opportunities Commission and to take court action. - To inform individuals involved or alleged to be involved in a complaint of the available formal disciplinary procedures of the University if the complaint is not resolved through the processes administered by this Panel.
- To inform the individual seeking an investigation that a written complaint will be required and that the complaint, including the identity of the complainant, will be disclosed to the complainer and the safeguards against victimization that are provided under applicable law and University policy.
- To inform all parties involved or alleged to be involved in a complaint that a report will be produced for and submitted to a Pro-Vice-Chancellor/ Vice-President designated to handle matters relating to sexual harassment (“the designated Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President”).
- To conduct conciliation or investigation upon receipt of allegation/complaint through a team of at least two panelists, plus a non-staff Council member, an external member or a student representative under special circumstances as deemed necessary by the Panel Convenor, to ensure that justice is upheld and seen to be upheld in the process of investigation.
- To maintain records of complaints, reports, and managing the process in such a way that they conform with the privacy requirements of applicable laws.
Task Force on Education and Training
Terms of Reference:
The Task Force on Education and Training is established under the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment to promote awareness of the Policy through circulars/leaflets, seminars and workshops. The objective is to ensure that the Policy is properly received and correctly interpreted, and to prevent unlawful discrimination and harassment in the University community.
The Task Force may request individual units/departments, staff associations or student bodies to render assistance in the promotional activities as deemed appropriate. It may also assist relevant units/departments to review their operating guidelines/procedures to avoid situations of unlawful discrimination and harassment.
- Convenor (To be appointed by the Chairperson of the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment)
- Members
– A representative from each College
– A representative from the Human Resources Office
– A representative from the Office of Student Affairs
– A representative from the Information Technology Services Centre
– A representative from the Communications and Public Relations Office
– A representative from the Postgraduate Halls
– A representative from the CUTA
– A representative from the CUSA
– A representative from the CUEGU
– A representative from the CUHK Student Union
– A student representative nominated by the Selection Panel of University Committees
– Convenor of the Panel Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
– Four faculty members or staff members who have sensitivity to discrimination and sexual harassment matters
- Secretary (Secretary of the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment)
Campus Transport Consultative Group for Student Services
Terms of Reference:
To discuss how to effectively utilize resources and provide a more comprehensive on-campus transportation service for students, and provide recommendations to the University.
Library Users Group
Terms of Reference:
The Committee shall consider all matters pertaining to the use of the Library.
The University Librarian will report on strategic developments in the Library.
The Committee will make suggestions for enhancements of Library services and collections.The terms of office of the Committee shall be:
a. a period of one year for students.
b. at least two years for faculty in accordance with Faculty’s recommendation.The Committee shall meet at least three times in each academic year.
Recommendations shall be reported directly to the Library Management Group Meeting (MGM).
- Convener (Senior Assistant Secretary, Secretariat)
- Members
– Staff representatives
1. The University Librarian as Chair;
2. The Deputy University Librarian;
3. A member of the Library staff nominated by the University Librarian as Secretary;
4. One member of each Faculty nominated by the Faculty Deans;
5. Other Library Staff may attend the meeting by the invitation of the Chair.
– Student representatives
Eleven student representatives: one from the University Student Union; one each from each College; one postgraduate student.
ITSC Student User Consultation Committee
Terms of Reference:
To consult students on ITSC services which are to be launched, changed or decommissioned via student representatives from university student union, college student unions, postgraduate student association, mainland undergraduate association and faculty student representatives.
- Chairman (The Chairman of SUCC is a representative from ITSC)
- Members
– Two representatives from the Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
– One representative from each College Student Union
– One representative from Postgraduate Student Association
– One representative from Mainland Undergraduates Association
– One student representative from each faculty
– One representative from the Office of Student Affairs
- Secretary (A representative from ITSC)
Campus Planning Committee
Terms of Reference:
The Campus Planning Committee advises the Vice-Chancellor on campus planning matters. It also operates as the planning committee for the Council Committee on Campus Planning and Building and deals with all matters relating to the campus master development plan, including building proposals and programmes and utilization of space and facilities. It oversees the Building Committees established for each new building and major extension of building, determines sites and appoints external project managers and project architects on their recommendation.
- Chairperson (Vice-Chancellor and President)
- Members
– One College Head/Master nominated by AAPC
– Nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
– Vice-President (Administration) (ex-officio)
– Secretary of the University (ex-officio)
– Registrar (ex-officio)
– Director of Campus Development (ex-officio)
– Student Representative
- Secretary (Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development)
Committee on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
Terms of Reference:
To formulate policies and strategies and to provide directions for action plans for the advancement of university social responsibility and sustainable development.
To receive reports from relevant professional and administrative service units and working groups on the implementation of the action plans and other operational matters in relation to university social responsibility and sustainable development.
To note communications projects and publications on the University’s efforts and accomplishments in university social responsibility and sustainable development.
To undertake any other duties in relation to university social responsibility and sustainable development as may from time to time be assigned by the Vice-Chancellor.
- Chairperson (To be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor)
- Members
– One College Head/Master nominated among the Heads and Masters
– Up to three external members appointed by the Chairperson
– Up to five members of the academic staff appointed by the Chairperson
– Bursar and Director of Finance or representative
– Ex-officio members from professional and administrative service units
– Director, Campus Development Office
– Director, Estates Management Office
– Director, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
– Director, Office of Student Affairs
– Two student representatives
– One student nominated by The Student Union of CUHK*
– One full-time postgraduate student nominated by the Director, Student Affairs Office
- Secretary (To be appointed by the Chairperson)
* To be selected through open recruitment
Committee on Safety
Terms of Reference:
To oversee and review Safety Policy of the University on a regular basis, particularly in relation to :
- the implementation of the institutional safety policy;
- the identification and minimization of the risk of campus events that may produce injury or illness including but not restricted to laboratories, and the promotion of occupational health;
- the provision of information, instruction and training for staff members and students to increase personal understanding of workplace hazards and safe working practices;
- the design of new buildings and the alteration and improvements of existing buildings, such that the appropriate safety standards are maintained;
- recommendations for the health monitoring of staff and students where appropriate, in matters relating to occupational health; and
- the reporting of safety matters that require University-level attention.
The Committee will report its recommendations to the Administrative and Planning Committee for ratification.
- Chairperson: Pro-Vice-Chancellor
- Members
– Chairperson of the Safety Advisory Committees (SAC)
– Director of University Safety or representative
– Director of the University Medical Service or representative
– Director of Campus Development or representative
– Director of Estates Management or representative
– Director of Security and Transport
– Secretary of the University or representative
– Representative nominated by the Postgraduate Student Association of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
– Representative nominated by the Selection Panel of University Committees
- Secretary Director of University Safety
Monitoring Group on CUHK Outsourcing Matters
Terms of Reference:
To monitor the implementation of Outsourcing Policy at the University
To review and make recommendations on the Outsourcing Policy in CUHK where appropriate
To consider any other matters relating to outsourcing of services at the University as deemed appropriate by the Chairman
To report views on the above to the Administrative Affairs Committee, and where necessary the Administrative and Planning Committee, for consideration as appropriate
- Chairman (A Pro-Vice-Chancellor/ An Associate Vice-President appointed by the Vice-Chancellor)
- Members
– Two representatives from each of the following staff bodies:
CUHK Teachers’ Association (CUTA)
CUHK Staff Association (CUSA)
CUHK Employees General Union (CUEGU)
– Student representatives:
Two representatives from CUHK Student Union (CUSU)
One representative of full-time postgraduate students nominated by the Director of Student Affairs
- Joint Secretary (Two staff members appointed by the Chairman from the Finance Office and the Human Resources Office respectively)
Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee
Terms of Reference:
To champion the University’s Policy on Diversity and Inclusion (“Policy”), to keep under review the Policy, to advance the Policy’s aims and objectives, and to ensure that any action plans derived therefrom are effectively implemented.
To oversee and monitor the University’s commitment to the Principles of Community (“Principles”) as set out in the Policy, and to develop strategies to promote the Principles by means of educational / training / professional development programmes, sharing of best practices, publicity campaigns, celebratory events / activities, communication with stakeholders, etc.
To receive reports and updates from its sub‐committees, the Diversity and Inclusion Office and (where appropriate) other units of the University on matters related to the Policy.
To make recommendations on targets and key performance indicators in connection with the University’s achievements in its diversity and inclusion agenda, for incorporation in the strategic planning process.
To submit a report to the AAPC at least annually, and to senior management as may be requested from time to time on specific aspects of the Committee’s remit.
- Members
– Associate Vice-President (Education) (ex officio)
– 1 College Head and 1 College Master appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the nomination of the College Heads / Masters
– 1 Faculty Dean appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the nomination of the Deans
– 2 Faculty members appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
– 1 non-academic staff member appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
– University Dean of Students (ex officio)
– Director of Human Resources (ex officio)
– Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development (ex officio)
– 2 student representatives nominated one each by the Selection Panel of University Committees and Postgraduate Student Association
- In-attendance
– Co-chairpersons of the Sub-Committee on Women Academics
– Chairperson of the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
– Chairperson of the Special Educational Needs Service Coordinating Committee
- Secretary (Director, Diversity and Inclusion Office (ex officio))
Election Committees
Election Committee for Student Council Members
Roles and Responsibilities:
- To report to the Election Affairs Committee (EAC)
- To assess the nominees based on the information provided by the nominees and the relevant units, and to conduct interview if deemed appropriate.
- To submit assessment reports to EAC with the order of priority/scores/comments for each nominee in the relevant categories.
- To assist EAC to conduct investigation of the complaints at the request by EAC.
- All members of the Election Committee should not disclose any information of the nominations received and the assessment process/results.
- Four Council members
- One representative from the University administration appointed by the Council
- Two full-time students (1 undergraduate and 1 postgraduate) appointed by the Council
Working Group for Election of Student Senators and Board Members
Student Representatives
Open recruitment for student representatives of University Committees 2024/25 has been completed. The contact of student representatives is listed below. Students are welcome to contact the representatives concerned to share your opinions/concerns on University’s developments and policies.